

2018年 06月 04日
Update date: March 10, 2020

Antimicrobial additives have been used in the textile industry for a long time, and their effects have benefited consumers and manufacturers. Due to the diversity of consumer choices, products made with antibacterial fabrics can bring additional freshness protection.

Advantages of antibacterial textiles

More durable

Antimicrobial treated textiles can prevent product degradation problems caused by bacteria and molds. This can lead to a longer product life and provide additional value to consumers.

Prevent odor

Bacteria and certain microorganisms not only cause textile wear and tear, but also produce annoying odors and stains. Antibacterial textiles can help alleviate this situation, especially for clothing and products exposed to sweat and moisture.

Stay cleaner for longer

In many industries, especially in the medical field, antibacterial textiles that can reduce the growth of microorganisms are a big advantage. Not only can this reduce cleaning time, antibacterial textiles also help to keep items such as curtains and furniture decorations clean outside of regular cleaning.

More conducive to environmental protection

Antimicrobial treated textiles have a longer service life. By extending the period of products entering the landfill and reducing the manufacturing demand for new alternatives, our overall carbon footprint can be reduced. In addition, because antibacterial textiles require less washing times, less water and detergent are discharged into the sewer, which is more conducive to environmental protection.

If you are a U.S. resident, please review our regulatory statement . The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not allow dust mites to be promoted on items treated with antibacterial products.

Reduce the number of dust mites

Some antibacterial agents have been shown to reduce the number of dust mites in treated products. To learn more, please read our blog post: Dust Mites: What they are and how to prevent them .

Industries that can benefit from antibacterial textiles

Almost all industries that use textiles can benefit from antimicrobial agents, including:

  • Medical treatment-antibacterial textiles can be used for everything from masks and surgical gowns to curtains and bedding to keep them in a cleaner state for a longer time
  • Clothing-antibacterial textiles used in clothing such as underwear, socks and sports equipment can prevent odors in advance
  • Military-uniforms, tents, parachutes and other items can be kept in a cleaner state, and will not be damaged due to the growth of fungi, thus saving time and money for the military
  • Household items-bedding, towels, upholstery and other household fabrics using antibacterial textiles can be improved in performance

How to make antibacterial textiles?

Antibacterial additives are added in the manufacturing process. There are many ways to add antibacterial agents to textiles, most of which do not require additional or special equipment. Adding methods include:

  • coating
  • Pad dyeing
  • Dip
  • Foam dyeing and finishing
  • extrusion

Ultra-Fresh antibacterial additives used in textiles are also suitable for synthetic fibers and non-woven textiles. For details on how Ultra-Fresh can help keep textiles fresher, check out our textile and non-woven information page.

Ultra-Fresh is working

Welcome to watch our time-lapse video of the anti-fungal detection process of the non-woven fabric in the AATCC 30 test method (the detection microorganism is Aspergillus niger ).

The untreated sample (right) was covered by the flora after the 7-day incubation period, while the Ultra-Fresh treated material sample (left) remained cleaner and did not show fungus growth.

See how antimicrobial agents work .

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